About Jacinto Farm’s Trees
For over 90 years the Jacinto Family has been growing citrus in the Redlands/Crafton area. Early generations farmed citrus in the 1920’s passing on the love of farming to future generations. Jacinto Farms has grown to include not only citrus, but avocados, other fruits, and a vast variety of vegetables.
Jacinto Farms has recently expanded to include a variety of local large specimen landscape trees. Larry Jacinto became interested in the conservation of trees on one of his grove properties approximately 15 years ago. At this time, good friend Jim Borer, with 40 years of horticultural experience, assisted Larry in the techniques of boxing and relocating trees. Jacinto developed his nursery as he acquired blocks of trees in small container sizes. He also began field boxing coast live oak trees that had volunteered in his citrus groves. Jacinto started planting oak trees shortly after in early 2005. The nursery started with a modest 50 container sized trees and has grown to over 600 fully grown large specimen trees.
Jacinto Farm’s Trees is now offering a variety of landscape specimen trees. All specimens are of the highest quality and have been meticulously cared for.
(909) 794-2276
1205 Pioneer
Redlands, CA 92374
Visiting Hours
By Appointment Only
Current selection of large specimen landscape trees.
Oak Tree Specimen
Coast Live Oak
Quercus agrifolia is native to California and Baja. This beautiful drought-resistant, evergreen tree, ranges in height from 20 to 70 feet and in diameter from 1 to 4 feet. The Coast live oak is the only California native oak that actually thrives in the coastal environment, although it is rare on the immediate shore; it enjoys the mild winter and summer climate afforded by ocean proximity, and it is somewhat tolerant of aerosol-borne sea salt.
Cork Oak
Quercus suber, commonly called the cork oak, is a medium-sized, evergreen oak tree in the section Quercus sect. Cerris. It is the primary source of cork for wine bottle stoppers and other uses, such as cork flooring. Registered as a California Big Tree, it can grow up to 90 feet tall, with a trunk circumference of 245 inches and a crown spread of 81 feet. Performs well in full sun or partial shade and is drought tolerant. The cork oak produces acorns and inconspicuous flowers in tassels during the Spring.
Sycamore Tree Specimen
Western Sycamore
Platanus racemosa is a species of plane tree that goes by several other common names, including California Sycamore, California Plane, and the Aliso Tree. This tree can tolerate a wide variety of soils but prefers to have its leaves in full sun. This variety of Sycamore can grow over 30 feet in just five years in optimal conditions. The maximum height can be 100 ft plus and can sometimes have a 50 ft expanse of coverage.
London Plane Sycamore
Platanus acerifolia is a hybrid between Platanus occidentalis and Platanus orientalis which was developed to resist the diseases that so often plagued Platanus acerifolia. Also known as the Columbia Sycamore, It grows quickly and can reach over 30 feet tall in about 12 years. It will spread about half as wide as it is tall. In the fall, the leaves turn yellow and drop allowing a better view of the beautiful bark. It loves full sun with moderate water and deep rich soil.
Ficus Tree Specimen
Ficus Trees
Ficus citrifolia trees typically grow 15 m (50 ft) tall, and may cover a wide area due to their ability to drop aerial roots from branches and spread horizontally, fusing with the parent tree as they grow. They have a broad top, light grey bark, some aerial roots and milky sap. The leaves of F. citrifolia are dark green. They are oval shaped with a rounded base and pointed tip. Small flowers are enclosed in open ended fruit. The fruit appears on the ends of long stalks protruding from the leaf axils. Fruit turn from yellow to dark-red when ripe. This fruit is sweet and can be eaten raw.
Pine Tree Specimen
Italian Stone Pine
Pinus pinea, also known as the Italian Stone Pine, Umbrella Pine and Parasol Pine, is a tree from the pine family (Pinaceae). The tree is native to the Mediterranean Region of Southern Europe. This evergreen tree has a variety of landscape applications due to its drought tolerance. It can be planted in full sun and will require low to moderate water once it is established. The Stone Pine can grow upwards of 60 feet and upon maturity can produce a thick trunk and umbrella canopy.
Canary Pine
Pinus canariensis is a large evergreen tree that can grow upwards of 100 ft tall and boast a 40 inch trunk diameter. Exceptionally healthy trees can grow up to 200 ft tall and 104 in diameter. The green to yellow-green leaves are needle-like, in bundles of three, with finely toothed margins that often droop severely. Canary Island Pines can become a skyline accent to any landscape project upon maturity. They love to be planted in full sun and prefer a tolerant soil. This beautiful specimen tree performs well in coastal environments.
Jacinto Farm’s Trees is a very private tree farm. We have over 600 beautifully grown and meticulously cared for, large specimen landscape trees. Our trees are mainly of the California local variety and can be boxed and transported locally using our very own transport equipment.
To schedule a visit, call (909) 794-2276 from 7a – 4p daily or complete the visitors request form,
Appointments required for farm visits.