Italian Stone Pine Trees
Pinus pinea, also known as the Italian Stone Pine, Umbrella Pine, and Parasol Pine, is a tree from the pine family (Pinaceae). The tree is native to the Mediterranean Region of Southern Europe. This evergreen tree has a variety of landscape applications due to its drought tolerance. It can be planted in full sun and will require low to moderate water once it is established. The Stone Pine can grow upwards of 60 feet and upon maturity can produce a thick trunk and umbrella canopy.
Tree shown is just a specimen sample and is most likely no longer available.
Canary Pine Trees
Pinus canariensis is a large evergreen tree that can grow upwards of 100 feet tall and boasts a 40-inch trunk diameter. Exceptionally healthy trees can grow up to 200 ft tall and 104 in diameter. The green to yellow-green leaves are needle-like, in bundles of three, with finely toothed margins that often droop severely. Canary Island Pines can become a skyline accent to any landscape project upon maturity. They love to be planted in full sun and prefer tolerant soil. This beautiful specimen tree performs well in coastal environments.